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BMW Group et Rimac Technology s'associent pour un partenariat à long terme.

+++ Un constructeur de véhicules premium historique et une jeune entreprise axée sur la technologie conviennent d'une collaboration stratégique à long terme dans le domaine des technologies d'entraînement entièrement électriques +++ Leur objectif commun est de créer des solutions innovantes pour les batteries à haute tension de futures générations de voitures +++

Rimac Technology
Production, recyclage

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Jérémy Pierbon
BMW Group

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Jérémy Pierbon
BMW Group

Munich / Zagreb. The BMW Group and Rimac Technology, headquartered near Zagreb, Croatia, officially announced a long-term partnership.

The aim of the collaboration is to co-develop and co-produce innovative solutions in the field of high-voltage battery technology for battery-electric vehicles.

The results are to be used in the BMW Group’s future product range – in model generations slated for the second half of the 2020s.

The respective strengths and expertise of the two companies complement each other in a productive way. The BMW Group’s electrification strategy is aimed at building further on its leading position in the premium electric mobility sector. Even before we reach 2030, battery-electric vehicles will account for over half of global vehicle sales. The BMW Group brings battery and electric drive system expertise amassed over more than 15 years to the partnership.

As an integral part of the Rimac Group, Rimac Technology stands out as a Tier 1 supplier specializing in electrification in the automotive sector. Its portfolio consists of high-voltage battery packs, e-axles, as well as electronics and software solutions. Rimac Technology products are designed, engineered and produced in-house to offer advanced technology with a high degree of customization. The long-term partnership with the BMW Group is a sign of the Rimac Technology transition from niche high-performance solutions supplier to high-volume Tier 1 supplier. With the relentless growth of the business, including the opening of the Rimac Campus, Rimac Technology is ready to deliver large-scale projects at the highest automotive standards.

The two partners will release more details about what form the strategic tie-up will take, as well as its scope and content, at a later stage.

Separately from the new strategic cooperation, the BMW Group is preparing for the introduction of its Neue Klasse range: The first model will celebrate its market launch in 2025. The arrival of the Neue Klasse models will also mark the debut of the sixth generation of BMW eDrive technology, which will bring another significant leap forward in all customer-relevant attributes, such as range and charging time.

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