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Innovation@Summit. Nowe BMW serii 5 oraz samochody Driverless@Developement testowane w sercu austriackich Alp.
22.11.2023 Informacje prasowe
+++ Zimowe doświadczenie: Nowe BMW serii 5 prezentuje swoje umiejętności na lodowcu +++ W pełni elektryczna radość z jazdy na śniegu i lodzie: BMW i5 pionierem technologicznym w Sölden +++ Driverless@Development w zimowych warunkach jazdy +++
Kontakt prasowy
Hubert Fronczak
BMW Group
Tel.: +48-728-874-121
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Hubert Fronczak
BMW Group
Munich/Sölden. To round off the year, BMW is inviting international media to Sölden, to Innovation @Summit, on the Austrian glacier. Absolute highlight: in addition to the BMW 5 Series launched in October, innovative highlights in the areas of driverless@Developement, artificial intelligence and highly automated driving will be presented. During intensive test drives under winter conditions, the smart business sedan and Driverless @Developement vehicles can demonstrate their dynamic driving qualities several times over.
BMW 5 Series impresses with unique handling on ice and snow.
In the new BMW 5 Series, the DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) driving stability control, the near-actuator wheel slip limitation and the drive control are interlinked in such a way that they can flexibly coordinate and complement each other in any driving situation. The integrated application of all drive and chassis systems is the prerequisite for the excellent handling characteristics of the BMW 5 Series in winter testing. The more demanding the conditions, the more the purely electric model variant of the new BMW 5 Series Sedan impresses with the speed and precision of its control systems. It offers a harmony of optimal traction when starting off and superior driving stability when cornering or when braking, which is unique in the competitive environment. With the latest battery cell technology and intelligently controlled heat management, the fifth-generation BMW eDrive technology, which has been further developed for the new BMW i5, enables a long range and short charging times during stops, even at extreme sub-zero temperatures. “Powered by Austrian Engineering”: The development center in Steyr is exclusively responsible for all BMW Group electric vehicles.
Innovation in vehicle testing: Driverless @Developement, at BMW Group, increases efficiency and quality in the development of vehicles and technologies. Testing is now taking place on Austria's highest glacier, together with international media.
Since 2002, the BMW Group has been working on automatically operating test vehicles on test sites. The innovative, new Driver-less @Development program massively increases efficiency and quality in the development of new vehicles and technologies. In addition, automating recurring, monotonous driving situations relieves employees, including when testing driver assistance systems and automated vehicle functions. Increased development speed and quality improvement are achieved through better reproducibility and reduction of error frequencies, for example when comparing components. Another advantage of Driver-less @Development is the reduction of the risk of accidents and the improved health of BMW employees through physical and psychological relief.
The BMW Group will provide further insights at workshops on the topics of highly automated driving and the use of AI in the automotive sector.
Technology on the next level: Highly automated driving at Level 2 and Level 3. Automated driving workshop: today and tomorrow.
Take your hands off the wheel and temporarily turn your attention away from traffic — that is highly automated driving at Level 3. BMW Personal Pilot L3 is the name of the new function that relieves customers of the task of driving in defined traffic situations and regulates speed, distance and lane guidance for this purpose. With the introduction of Level 3 functionality in the BMW 7 Series, the BMW Group is the first automotive manufacturer to offer both a Level 2 and a Level 3 function in its product portfolio, which allows hands to be removed from the steering wheel and positioned comfortably. For highly automated driving at level 3, the BMW Personal Pilot L3 is the prerequisite for concentrating on secondary activities away from traffic. The live HD map with exact routes is constantly compared with highly accurate GPS positioning and, in combination with 360° sensors, ensures precise positioning and environmental monitoring. The live HD map is always up to date. In addition to cameras, vehicles equipped with the BMW Personal Pilot L3 also have the latest generation of ultra-sound and radar sensors and a highly sensitive 3D lidar sensor to monitor the environment and traffic conditions.
Thanks to this technology package, the BMW Personal Pilot L3 works very reliably even in darkness. These qualities are unique in a competitive environment. Automated driving at SAE level 3 increases both comfort and safety on public roads.
A particularly innovative, semi-automated driving function at SAE level 2 is already possible with BMW Highway Assist in all models of the new BMW 5 Series. There is also a unique, active lane change assistant with eye confirmation. This function in the new BMW 5 Series is primarily designed for long-distance driving, where it allows you to take a particularly relaxed posture behind the wheel. This additional function of Steering and Lane Guidance Assist provides speed and distance control as well as steering control at speeds of up to 130 km/h.
Performance boost through AI support.
The BMW Group has been using artificial intelligence for several years, for example in production for quality control, in driving assistance systems with computer vision, or indirectly when analyzing change documents or in machine translation. The breakthrough of large language models has opened up many new fields of application and is used, for example, for brainstorming in design, for generating texts, code and images in vehicle development, IT, and marketing and sales. The focus is always on the interplay of man and machine: At the BMW Group, people are at the center of everything the company does.
W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt:
Hubert Fronczak
BMW Group Polska
telefon: 728 874 121
BMW Group
BMW Group, reprezentująca marki BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce i BMW Motorrad, jest wiodącym na świecie producentem samochodów i motocykli w segmencie premium, a także dostawcą wysokiej jakości usług finansowych i mobilnościowych. Sieć produkcyjna BMW Group obejmuje ponad 30 zakładów produkcyjnych i montażowych na całym świecie; firma dysponuje międzynarodową siecią dystrybucji w ponad 140 krajach.
W roku 2022 firma BMW Group sprzedała ponad 2,4 miliona samochodów oraz ponad 202 tysiące motocykli na całym świecie. Dochód przed opodatkowaniem w roku finansowym 2021 wyniósł 16,1 mld euro przy obrotach wynoszących 111,2 mld euro. Według stanu na dzień 31 grudnia 2021 r. w BMW Group było zatrudnionych 118 909 pracowników.
Podstawą sukcesu BMW Group były zawsze odpowiedzialne działania i perspektywiczne myślenie. Firma już na wczesnym etapie wyznaczyła kierunek na przyszłość i konsekwentnie koncentruje się na zrównoważonym rozwoju i ochronie zasobów, począwszy od łańcucha dostaw poprzez produkcję aż po końcową fazę użytkowania wszystkich produktów.
Spalanie i emisja CO2
BMW i5 M60 xDrive*:
Zużycie energii w cyklu
mieszanym WLTP: 20,6 - 18,2 kWh/100 km
Zasięg elektryczny w cyklu
WLTP: 455 - 516 km
BMW 520d xDrive*:
Zużycie paliwa w l/100 km w
cyklu mieszanym WLTP: 6,0 - 5,5
Emisja CO2 w g/km w cyklu
mieszanym WLTP: 157 - 143