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Nadzorni svet podaljšal pogodbo z Oliverjem Zipsejem do leta 2026 – Jochen Goller postal novi član upravnega odbora.

+++ Reithofer: "BMW Group je pod vodstvom Oliverja Zipseja okrepil svoj vodilni konkurenčni položaj" +++ Jochen Goller je nasledil Pietra Noto kot član uprave za prodajo, stranke in blagovno znamko +++ Nadzorni svet se zahvaljuje Noti za veliko predanost in pomembne spodbude +++


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Maja Ilec
BMW Group

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Maja Ilec
BMW Group

Dodatne informacije so na voljo spodaj in v priponki v angleščini.
. The Supervisory Board of BMW AG has today extended the contract of Oliver Zipse as Chairman of the Board of Management until 2026. Zipse has been a member of the Board of Management since 2015 and Chairman of the Board since August 2019. During his term of office, the BMW Group significantly expanded its range of electric vehicles and today offers fully electric models in almost all of its core segments. In addition, development began on the Neue Klasse as the next model generation, with production starting in 2025.


Norbert Reithofer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of BMW AG, said: “Oliver Zipse has very successfully steered the company in recent years through an extremely volatile environment. In a phase of global crises and profound transformation, the BMW Group has not only achieved reliably robust results under his leadership, but has also sustainably strengthened its leading position in global competition. With the Neue Klasse, the BMW Group is well on track to further expand this position.”


Martin Kimmich, Chairman of the General Works Council of BMW AG, said: “The good cooperation between the Board of Management and the Works Council will be continued with the reappointment of Oliver Zipse. I am convinced that we will continue to jointly take constructive decisions and I am therefore looking positively to the future.”


At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board also appointed Jochen Goller to the Board of Management of BMW AG. He will succeed Pieter Nota and take over responsibility for the division Customer, Brands and Sales on November 1, 2023. Nota took over the division in 2018 and played a key role in significantly accelerating sales of all-electric models in recent years and systematically digitalizing the customer interface. In addition, he has sharpened the BMW Group's brand portfolio with the BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands and further developed the international sales organization towards a sustainable and customer-centric sales model.. Since he took office, the BMW Group has significantly increased its global market share and achieved a sales record in 2019 with more than 2.5 million vehicles. In 2023, under his leadership, BMW Group sales is on course to once again reach or even exceed this pre-corona level.


“The Supervisory Board would like to thank Pieter Nota for his great commitment and in particular for the important impulses he has brought to the sales organization with his extensive experience outside the automotive industry,” said Reithofer. “With Jochen Goller, we are appointing an internationally experienced sales manager to the Board of Management and a proven China expert who knows the BMW Group's largest market like no other.”


Jochen Goller has been with the BMW Group since 1999 and spent more than ten years with the company in the UK and China in various, also cross-brand functions. Since 2018, he has been very successfully managing the activities in the China region. During this time, the BMW Group was able to take over a majority stake in its local joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive. Goller was previously also responsible for the MINI brand.

If you have any questions, please contact:


BMW Group Corporate Communications


Max-Morten Borgmann, Communications BMW Group

Telephone: +49 89 382-24118



Eckhard Wannieck, Head of Communications BMW Group, Finance, Sales

Telephone: +49 89 382-24544



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The BMW Group


With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2022, the BMW Group sold nearly 2.4 million passenger vehicles and more than 202,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2022 was € 23.5 billion on revenues amounting to € 142.6 billion. As of 31 December 2022, the BMW Group had a workforce of 149,475 employees.


The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.







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