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Project MINI E Berlin powered by Vattenfall, Handover to user.
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  • 1. Handover ceremony
  • 2. Statement Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature, Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
  • 3. Statement Dr. Friedrich Eichiner, BMW Group, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG.
  • 4. Statement Tuomo Hatakka, Senior Executive Vice President Vattenfall Europe AG
  • 5. Handover to user.
  • 6. Driving scenes Berlin.
  • 7. Stills

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Footage contains 7 Scenes.
Fri Aug 21 00:00:00 CEST 2009 | ID: PF0002799
    #1: Handover ceremony
    #2: Statement Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature, Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
    #3: Statement Dr. Friedrich Eichiner, BMW Group, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG.
    #4: Statement Tuomo Hatakka, Senior Executive Vice President Vattenfall Europe AG
    #5: Handover to user.
    #6: Driving scenes Berlin.
    #7: Stills
    #1: Handover ceremony
    #2: Statement Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature, Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
    #3: Statement Dr. Friedrich Eichiner, BMW Group, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG.
    #4: Statement Tuomo Hatakka, Senior Executive Vice President Vattenfall Europe AG
    #5: Handover to user.
    #6: Driving scenes Berlin.
    #7: Stills
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Handover ceremony
Scene #1 of 7: 03:41 min, Quicktime H264 12Mbit, 16:9, 1024x576
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MINI E in front of Meilenwerk Berlin. 50 MINI E parking (Meilenwerk Berlin). Foto shooting T. Hatakka, S. Gabriel, F. Eichiner in front of MINI E. Pressconference (Meilenwerk Berlin)
Statement Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature, Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
Scene #2 of 7: 03:46 min, Quicktime H264 12Mbit, 16:9, 1024x576
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„Particularly in the field of mobility we experience a tremendous development. And we are – this is the second meeting in Berlin today, which deals itself with „Green Recovery“ – we are in the middle of the technical and the economical practice. In preparation of - yes, already a little bit - in the second invention of the automobile - appropriately out of our country. It's glaringly more what we experience here, than a changed propulsion technology. The development of the electrical mobility, which will naturally, still need a few years up to the mass-market - a message we certainly have to repeat. We will not jump from the classical combustion engine to the electric motor in the next years, but for a long time the classical combustion engine will be the most important drive strand in the automobile sector. But for that very reason it's necessary that we continue to invest into the efficiency, into the decrease of fuel consumption in classical combustion engines, the development will be supplemented step by step over "mild-hybrid", to "full-plug-in" up to the complete electric vehicle. We hope that we see in 2020 driving already a few millions of these vehicles on German streets, but to embed electrical mobility will be the actual industrial revolution and therefore power suppliers and automotive industrialists sit at a table. True revolutionizing of electricity network - as is in Germany and in Europe and world-wide - is to make it more productive, more usable and to join it with mobility. The problem with the development of renewable energies, which today already functions deep into the base load, is that at night the sun isn't shining  and occasionally the wind isn't blowing  - and no politician can change that. What do we do Pentecost, when the wind blows, the sun is shining, but none is working? How do we handle fluctuating energy in the net? This is the purpose of this common project of BMW and Vattenfall. This is the reason why the federal ministry of the environment is here and ready to promote the project. Because we have a great interest that we find different ways to use these fluctuating energy sources in the network - there is need to provide balanced energy - we have to reduce these problems. The fact that we shift the load curves in the net and that we bring together renewable energy and electric mobility. This is actually a kind of industrial, economically and ecologically interesting thing in this joint project." Statement Sigmar Gabriel, Minister of the Environment: Question: Why does the Federal Government support the project? Answer: “Electric mobility is the mobility of the future. We still need experience in connection with renewable energy and stability in the mains. Such projects should deliver us the experience.“ Question: How does the Federal Government promote the project? Answer: „We promote the project financially out of the 500 Millions Euros programme ‘the economic situation package 2 for the development of electric mobility’.“ Question: Have you already driven a Mini E yourselves? Answer: „We have just arranged that the federal ministry of the environment also gets such a vehicle in his fleet of cars – clearly!“
Statement Dr. Friedrich Eichiner, BMW Group, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG.
Scene #3 of 7: 01:03 min, Quicktime H264 12Mbit, 16:9, 1024x576
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Question: What does mean today's date? Answer: “Now we stand here in the Meilenwerk Berlin and now we begin our fleet test with 50 MINI E which we will give now in customer's hand. In principle it begins, the era of the electric mobility here in Berlin.“ Question: Which meaning will have electric driving in future? Answer: „Now we are persuaded that the electric vehicle will win increasingly in meaning. To be able to reach the demanding climate goals, one will have to drive emission free. Now of course we should not pin up the expectations. There will be a level approach curve to appreciable market shares of electric vehicles, but in the long term it is absolutely a technology which we may not neglect.“ Question: Have you already driven a Mini E yourselves? Answer:„ I have had the pleasure. And I must say, he connects exactly what one expects not really, but one needs to persuade customers, not only that he is ecologically friendly, he has no emissions – is CO2 free – he also gives awfully a lot of pleasure.“
Statement Tuomo Hatakka, Senior Executive Vice President Vattenfall Europe AG
Scene #4 of 7: 01:12 min, Quicktime H264 12Mbit, 16:9, 1024x576
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Question: What does the project mean for Vattenfall? Answer: “First: We are infrastructure partners in this project. This means that we allocat loading columns and electricity for the cars. This means 50 loading columns in Berlin. And then loading stations for the customers who will have this MINI E, at home or in the job. And secondly of course: We test here the electricity grid from tomorrow, i.e. how we can store renewable energy in autobatteries. So the subject‚ steered loading’ we talk here about.“ Question: Have you already driven a Mini E yourselves? Answer: „I am brim over with enthusiasm for this car that simply makes fun – it is very efficient and of course the most important one: very eco-friendly.“
Handover to user.
Scene #5 of 7: 04:36 min, Quicktime H264 12Mbit, 16:9, 1024x576
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Photographers, pan to group picture with user F. Behrendt and F. Eichiner, S. Gabriel, T. Hatakka. Hand over of keys to Fran Behrend by F. Eichiner, pan to photograpers. Statement user: „Yes well it lies in the technology, this interests me – how works an electric car in the future. I believe the whole automobile world will be changed by the electric car.“ Statement user, Prof. Dr. Frank Behrendt, speaker IZE, University of Technology of Berlin: „I think electric mobility will be in the future an absolutely stamping moment. Many distances which we cover occupationally or in private are already today in the reach of that what one can achieve with a battery. And if then one still considers that one can not separate CO2 with the internal combustion engine and mobility does not contribute unimportant to the CO2 emission and with it to the climate problems, here we have of course a way if we can produce the electricity CO2 free – a way found as one can decorate just also mobility concepts more appropriate for climate.“ Statement user: „We both are students at the University of Technology of Berlin and study automotive technology and have occupationally – I am student employee in the automotive department – and there occupationally I had to deal with the issue. I had to look into fleet tests on electric mobility. Thereby I noticed among other things this project. I found it very interesting - a sporty car in terms of green mobility. – that's something, I thought, be involved with would be exciting.“ Question: What costs you the participation? Answer:„ It costs 400 Euros per month and we both have considered, to club pool funds. I now hand over my car to my sister so long and she returns to me a little bit, so it is not such a heavy burden for us. We are just both still students and do not have of course so much money. But we want to help in this innovative story.“ Statement user: „I think it is a good project, it will help us for the first about the crisis. I also think that it is the future, but I do not think that it is the only future. We will travel around not only by electric vehicles in the future, but as well.“ Statement user: „There came a phone call and said: Yes, you belong to the happily well-chosen winners’ this MINI and then I have thus ratter ratter in the head and then I thought, my husband has said sometimes some thing, that he had filled out this and then I have said, yes, yes, many thanks, it is long ago, but I am pleased.“ Student pair is led by the Meilenwerk along MINI Es to the administrative vehicle handing over. Sitting at a table and reading MINI E handover protocol. Student pair get on MINI E and drives through the Meilenwerk along several MINI Es into the open. Interiors errant, Student at the seerig- wheel of his MINI E.
Driving scenes Berlin.
Scene #6 of 7: 05:43 min, Quicktime H264 12Mbit, 16:9, 1024x576
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Driving scenes with locations in the back ground as folows: Federal Chancellerie; Reichstag; Swiss embassie; Central Station; Paul-Löbe-Haus; Siegessäule; Tiergarten. Pan from starting commuter railway to MINI E. MINI E driving in front of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Berlin Moabit. Travelling on the Straße des 17. Juni and Großem Stern; before the Nordic embassies; before Charlottenburg Castel.
Scene #7 of 7: 02:16 min, Quicktime H264 12Mbit, 16:9, 1024x576
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Pan on MINI E (from above; from the left; from the right). MINI E from behind. MINI E from above (zoom of mirror on full shot; pan of plug symbol). Pan on "fuel filler flap" and lettering 'Vattenfall' with emblem. Opening "fuel filler flap"; inserting charging cable. Opening of bonnet. Interior (Zoom from steering wheel to long shot of dash board).

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