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POZVÁNKA. Freunde: Life. Driving. Passion. Facebook vysielanie - dnes 14.5. 2020, 17.30 do 20.05 h SEČ.

BMW Rumunsko bude vysielať na svojom Facebooku rozhovory so 14 vzácnymi hosťami z celého sveta o automobilovej vášni. V 10-minútových vstupoch hostia odhalia svoje zbierky, desaťročia práce alebo emócie, ktoré zažili s automobilmi, ktoré definovali ich život.


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Milan Stupka
BMW Group

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Milan Stupka
BMW Group

17:30 CET on Romania Facebook Page:


„Freude“ - živé podujatie venované vášni pre automobily.

Vo štvrtok 14. mája sa obrátime na jednu z najsilnejších síl, ktorá nás definuje - vášeň. "Freude" je udalosť vysielaná naživo na Facebooku BMW Rumunsko, ktorá spája 14 výnimočných hostí a ich príbehy o láske k vozidlám.

Radosť z jazdy, vzrušenie z rýchlosti, láska k dizajnu, história, hľadanie dokonalého tvaru alebo dokonalá obnova - cieľom „Freude“ je preskúmať viac ako storočie vášne - sily, ktorá definuje naše špeciálne spojenie s autamobilmi.
V 10-minútových prezentáciách naši hostia odhalia svoje zbierky, desaťročia práce alebo emócie, ktoré zažili s automobilmi, ktoré definovali ich život.

The Romanian guests will speak in Romanian, the US, German and Czech guests will speak in English.




1. Andrei Flueraru and the story of a Romanian family together with a family of BMWs. We celebrate the 65th anniversary of the BMW Isetta, the "cuddle ball", one of the most famous bubble cars in history.

2. Tiriac Collection with a spectacular Auburn Boattail Speedester from 1928, the defining American sports car for the Great Gatsby era.

3. Innovative design and aerodynamics in prewar Eastern Europe: Pavel Kasik, the Tatra collector.

4. Jacky Jouret, the American journalist who explores the surprising history of BMW.

5. The BMW Group Classic comes with two unique cars: the BMW 507, which belonged to Elvis Presley and was discovered by Jacky Jouret , and the legendary BMW 7 Series Goldfisch concept, the only V16 engine ever installed in a BMW.

6. Peter Gleeson, probably the largest collector of BMW Motorsport models in the world, but also of real art cars.

7. Alex Zanardi, the hero without limits. A Formula 1 and IndyCar driver, he overcame a tragic accident in 2001. He returned with valuable victories on the race track, is a world and Paralympic champion and has finished several Iron Man races in wheelchairs and handbike.

8. Adrian Mitu, the Romanian painter who tells the stories from the car world and who gained recognition in the USA through his installations of narrative art.

9. The 1961 Chevrolet Corvette C1, the first car which overturned the standards of sportiness on the American market. For the first time, 1961 comes with a new rear design that foreshadows the legendary Stingray design. The car is being restored in Romania, by Oldtimer Studios.

10. Tomaso Panther in Group 4 configuration. An asphalt monster, with a special history in the Cannon Ball races of the '80s and speed records, who now lives a new life on the circuits in Romania. A car also brought to life by Oldtimer Studios.

11. The Dorobanţu family and a love story for the most famous Romanian national car, with Dacia Sport in the foreground, a rare model, which was built by hand and which was brought back to life with great care so that we can tell it another given the story.

12. Passion has many forms. Suzuki Samurai supercharged in an incredibly elegant off-road tunned car, a model built by Lucian Trască.

13. Caddilac Eldorado 1959, one of many American cars in Paul Sindie's collection - the expression of the height of the "fine tails" war.

14. Rey Riviera - the collector who built a service workshop around his passion for BMW, called "a utopian enclave of BMW passion in California".




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