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Peter Lamp prejel prestižno mednarodno nagrado na področju raziskav, razvoja in industrializacije baterij.

+++ Nagrada NAATBatt za življenjsko delo v industriji +++ Lamp ima ključno vlogo pri krepitvi strokovnega znanja o baterijah BMW Group +++ Naslednji mejnik bo kmalu dosežen s prihodom tehnologije Gen6 +++


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BMW Group

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Maja Ilec
BMW Group

Dodatne informacije so na voljo spodaj in v priponki v angleščini.
Munich / California: The North American Advanced Technology Battery Trade Association (NAATBatt) has presented Dr. Peter Lamp with the organisation’s Lifetime Achievement Award at its annual conference.

This award recognises individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of battery technologies over the course of their career on either a business, technological or regulatory level. Previous award winners have included Dr. John Goodenough, Dr. M. Stanley Whittingham and
Dr. Akira Yoshino, who received the Nobel Prize for their contributions to the development of the lithium-ion battery, as well as Robin Zeng, Chairman of CATL.


The recipients of the annual awards are chosen by the association’s Board of Directors, comprising over 60 world-renowned battery experts and representatives from the battery industry. Peter Lamp has worked at the BMW Group for 23 years and has been a formative influence in the field of battery cell technology at BMW since 2008. Today he is one of the company’s foremost cell technology experts.


“Having Peter in our ranks and being able to benefit from his exceptional expertise and passion is something very special for me. We sincerely congratulate Peter and thank him and his team for their contribution to our success. The deep expertise we have in battery cell development makes the difference now and in the future — I am convinced of that.” says Dr. Florian Preuß, Senior VP High-Voltage Battery and Charging.


Peter Lamp adds: “Winning this award in the USA is without doubt one of the highlights of my career. Even on such occasions, however, one should never forget that it is always a team effort. We have always strived to actively shape the global development of technology. In so doing, we ensure that the very best technology makes its way into our products, where it can impress and delight BMW drivers all over the world.”

The BMW eDrive technology fitted in the BMW Group’s electrified models today is now in its fifth generation, which is testament to the development progress achieved since the BMW i3 launched in 2013. The arrival of the Neue Klasse models in 2025 will mark the debut of the sixth-generation tech, which will bring further major advances in terms of all customer-relevant characteristics, such as range and charging time.


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Prikazane vrednosti porabe goriva, emisij CO2 in energijske učinkovitosti, so bile določene v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 715/2007 v različici, ki je veljala v času odobritve. Vrednosti se nanašajo na vozilo z osnovno konfiguracijo v Nemčiji. Prikazan doseg vozila upošteva opcijsko opremo ter različne velikosti platišč in pnevmatik, ki so na voljo za izbrani model ter se lahko spreminja glede na različne konfiguracije vozila.

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