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BMW i and Susanne Kaufmann Cosmetics Launch Purif-i. All-Natural Hand Sanitizer Becomes First Product Launched in Conjunction with the Visionary Sub-Brand.

BMW announced a partnership today between BMW i, the sustainable and visionary sub-brand from BMW, and Susanne Kaufmann, the exclusive Austrian natural cosmetics brand, to launch the innovative product concept, “Purif-i”, an all-natural hand sanitizer and moisturizer.

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Margarida Peres
BMW Group

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Munich / New York. BMW announced a partnership today between BMW i, the sustainable and visionary sub-brand from BMW, and Susanne Kaufmann, the exclusive Austrian natural cosmetics brand, to launch the innovative product concept, “Purif-i”, an all-natural hand sanitizer and moisturizer.

“BMW i and Susanne Kaufmann are two distinct brands that are committed to a sustainable future, where environmental responsibility and luxury can coexist,” said Uwe Dreher, Central Marketing and Brand Manager for BMW i. “The unique collaboration between a natural cosmetics manufacturer and the BMW i mobility brand is an example of how nature and technology can work together and effectively enhance each other.”  


Purif-i will be presented to select customers and media in October and November of this year in New York, Berlin and Hong Kong.  In New York, the product debuted at the BMW Guggenheim Lab, where a panel discussion had been focusing on the topic of “New Paths” in sustainability marketing.  In Berlin, “New Paths” will be examined from the artistic aspect, while in Hong Kong, the discussion will focus on the topic of product retail.

Purif-i was created for the BMW i generation, a generation always in search of products that not only make life in megacities easier, but also minimize environmental impact.  Purif-i is composed entirely of herbal extracts and a combination of intelligent, super active substances. It simultaneously sanitizes and softens hands, combining alcohol extracts from plants and liquid silk proteins that protect hands from drying out. Since it requires no water or a towel, it can be used anywhere, anytime.


Purif-i, created for BMW i is now on sale in stores and also available online at

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Os valores do consumo de combustível, das emissões de CO2 e de consumo de energia aqui apresentados foram determinados de acordo com o Regulamento (CE) 715/2007 na versão aplicável no momento da homologação. Os valores referem-se à versão base de um veículo na Alemanha e na gama apresentada é considerado o equipamento opcional e os diferentes tamanho de jantes e pneus para a versão selecionada.

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